Wednesday evening, March 21 your nurse, Suzanna, asked your Mommy and me if we'd like to give you your first bath. We of course said "YES!" It was just a sponge bath due to all your tubes and wires but you had to be cleaned up good before surgery the next morning.
Grammy washed your hands and between your fingers:

Mommy washed your arms:

and your belly:

and your legs... I teased Mommy that it looked like she was playing with a doll!

and you were not at all happy when Grammy washed under your chin:

Mommy got you a clean diaper:

You were not crazy about getting your hair wet:

but getting it rubbed and washed wasn't so bad

All that work made you so sleepy. Good night sweet Charli. Sleep well.

so sweet.....and not unlike the first bath at home. Just a few more extras to work around! Soon enough she will be home where Mommy can give her a real bath with good J&J baby wash smells!!